Improvement Loan
A Home
Improvement Loan you can make your house into the home you've been
wanting to own all along. It can allow you to make necessary repairs
to your home, modernize your kitchen and bathrooms, build an addition
or add the pool you've always dreamed about having. Without using
credits cards or risking your life savings you can increase the
overall value of your home with a home improvement loan.
A home
improvement loan is a fully amortized, fixed rate 2nd mortgage. Placed
in 2nd position on the property title, there is no affect on the terms
of the existing 1st mortgage. You may choose a term from 5 to 25
years. Home improvement loans enable eligible borrowers to
obtain financing to remodel, repair, and/or upgrade their existing
homes. There are no restrictions on the type of improvements to
be made, as long as they are within the boundaries of local building
codes. Depending on the extent of the project, and the specific loan
program, you typically have the choice of doing the work yourself, or
using a licensed contractor.

begin, indicate the type of loan you desire
well as the state in which you live.